It is becoming evident that a large number of our community among us bear the brunt of the cost of living crisis even though they are working full-time jobs. As you know, saving souls is deeply rooted in the well-being of our community. we're taking a bold step to address a pressing issue - food poverty.
every week at our home. bellingham leisure centre
Thanks to our newly formed partnership with the felix project, we are opening our hearts and our doors to provide free food support to those affected.
This assistance encompasses a diverse range of provisions, from nonperishable to fresh to wholesome foods.
it's not merely about putting food on the table, it's about nourishing the spirit of our community.
We understand that economic hardship can take a toll on mental health. uncertainty, stress, and anxiety often accompany financial struggles. By alleviating one source of stress, the struggle to put food on the table, we aim to contribute positively to the overall well-being of our community members.
This initiative is a trial run, and we're doing it with an open heart and a willingness to learn. by distributing food on a first-come, first-served basis.
We hope to understand the true extent of the need in our community. We will announce the slot day and time for the week every monday on the @savingsoulshub story until we can establish a regular date and time slot for our weekly food distribution. this will help us shape more targeted, sustainable solutions for the future
While we can't predict the exact contents of each bag, we are committed to providing nourishing food to the best of our abilities.
Together. We can ease the burden of food poverty and nourish the hope that keeps us going. join us in this journey of compassion and support by sharing this post, because in our community, no one should go hungry.