In the pursuit of happiness, I find my stride,
A journey unfettered, where joy becomes my guide.
No longer confined by expectations or strife,
I embrace the essence of a fulfilling life.
It begins with self-discovery, an inward gaze,
Exploring passions and dreams in boundless ways.
Unearthing the treasures buried within my soul,
I unleash my true essence, feeling whole.
I let go of comparisons, the need to compete,
For happiness is found in embracing my own beat.
In celebrating uniqueness, I dance to my own tune,
Living authentically beneath the glowing moon.
I cherish moments, both big and small,
Finding beauty in everyday wonders, one and all.
Gratitude fills my heart, a constant companion,
Amidst the chaos, I find solace in appreciation.
Connections are vital, like threads in a tapestry,
Nurturing relationships, fostering unity.
With love and compassion, I extend a helping hand,
For in lifting others, I discover a happiness grand.
I prioritise self-care, tending to my needs,
Restoring balance, sowing self-love seeds.
Mind, body, and spirit, all deserving of care,
Nourishing each facet, I bloom and repair.
Embracing the unknown, I step into the new,
Emboldened by challenges, my spirit renewed.
With resilience as my armor, I navigate life's tides,
Embracing growth, where happiness resides.
So I choose to be present, to savour each day,
To find beauty in moments, along life's scenic way.
For happiness is not a destination, but a state of mind,
And in embracing its essence, true contentment I find.